Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Religious vs Spiritual - make your case

I've heard it said, "I'm spiritual not religious". In fact, several years ago, I used these exact words myself. I go back now and ask myself what did that mean? For me it meant I believe in God, but I want to make my own rules. For example, I don't need to go to church, it's just a building. God is everywhere. What that really meant for me was I didn't even want to give God a little bit of my time. Get up on Sunday, NO WAY!

If you believe in God, do you think he has requirements of us? if yes, what are they?


  1. Yes, I believe in God. I think God requires unconditional love.

  2. There's that word. That 4 letter word. I have real difficulty with that word. I'm not really sure what it means. Maybe that should be a new post. Thanks!
