Sunday, October 30, 2011

What would you tell your 16 year old self?

I recently saw a bunch of tv personalities talking about a new book which interviewed rich people and asked them what they would tell their 16 year old self. Oh yeah lets hear from the rich people. "I would tell myself not to worry about money". " I would tell myself not to worry about taking care of my mother. She would have all the care she needed". Bla Bla blaaaaaaaaa

Okay lets hear it for the rich people who have no worries about money. Now for the rest of us. Why didn't they ask the average or homeless person what they would tell their 16 year old self?

I would tell myself, forget about being happy. It's not really attainable for most of us. If you don't worry about being happy, you will have a lot less to worry about. Forget about doing what you like to do. You will be poor and more unhappy. Get a government, state, county, town or union job. At least someday you will be able to retire with a pension. Whatever you do, don't ever believe working hard will pay off. It doesn't!!! Do the job you were hired to do. Whatever extra you do, do it for yourself. No one else really gives two hoots! They will use you up and kick you to the curb like last weeks trash.